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New website for Ludgershall Business


A great responsive website for small business owner.

Small business owner Jo was looking for a website for her tattoo studio in Ludgershall, Wiltshire.  The vast majority of their clients come from client referrals and social media, however she wanted to broaden her client base as not everyone is on social media, plus having a website does make the company look more professional and established.

As tattoo artists it really helps to showcase the work of all the artists that work with Jo at The Wakkie Ink Co.  It was discussed that they wanted to direct clients to an in-depth enquiry form, which in turn would save a lot of time to’ing and fro’ing with direct messages on social media or by email.

It’s early days but already the website is capturing a lot of hits which is leading to a steady stream of enquires via the enquiry form and in-turn leads to appointments.

Jo and the team are delighted with the website.  We host the website at Salisbury Apps for The Wakkie Ink Co. and carry out all maintenance and updates to ensure the website is preforming for them at all times.

If you would like to discuss a website for you or your business, then please fill in our contact form or get in touch directly.

The Wakkie Ink Co website
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