
How is your website performing? Do you even have one?

How is your website performing for you and your business?  Do you even have a website?! 

Have you considered how your website looks for your end user?  Believe me there are a lot of tired and dated websites out there that have been around for a number of years. I suspect a lot have never been updated since the day they went live! 

Back in the day a lot of websites were created to just have a presence on the ‘World Wide Web’ but my gosh things have changed a lot since then. Whereas some businesses feel they just don’t need them at all!

Most end users want to do their research first, and the first port of call is to try and find the business website.  A whopping 81% of consumers do their research online before taking the plunge to purchase or use a service.  A bad website can actually detour new clients away. 

You will always get your money’s worth from a good well-balanced website but there are some important foundations to factor in,  

  • Who is your target audience?
  • It must represent your brand with appealing easy to read fonts, with great visuals
  • It needs to have simple navigation, which is clear and easy to use
  • It must be responsive and be able to work on smartphones (61% of consumers are more likely to buy from a mobile friendly site)
  • It’s must have a clear purpose and not be ‘over complicated’
  • Your e-commerce shop must be easy and transparent
  • Does it have any SEO integrated? 


A good website example

Good website example

A poor website example

Bad website example